Somos FCC - Nº14

Replacement work completed on the main section of the Gerald Desmond, Los Angeles (USA) Transfer and assembly of the “U” beams of the extension project of line 2 of the Panama subway The ONLYBIM project kicks off Conservation and exploitation of the Constitution of 1812 and José León de Carranza Bridges (Cádiz) Sustainable Finance and Agenda 2030: investing in the transformation of the world FCC Construcción has finished work on replacing the main section of the Gerald Desmond (Los Angeles), the first ca- ble-stayed bridge in California. The project consists in repla- cing the current Gerald Desmond Bridge, built in 1968 over the Back Channel of Long Beach Harbour. The construc- tion of the Gerald Desmond Bridge employs 3,000 people a year, has a positive impact on the economy of Southern California and will improve traffic flow and increase safety. FCC Construcción has begun moving and assembling the U-beams for the project to extend line 2 of the Panama underground. The “Airport Branch” pro - ject is 31% completed and has reached a new major construction milestone, initiating the transfer and assembly of the U-beams. The “U” beams will be moved in compliance with the safety re- quirements and the logistics planned with the correspon - ding authorities. The first assembly will take place at the ITSE station. For the “Line 2 Branch” project, 96 “U” beams and 10 “semi U” beams will be assembled along two kilo- metres from the Corredor Sur station on Line 2 to the new terminal at Tocumen International Airport. FCC Construcción is starting the ONLYBIM project, in which a module will be developed for the design and exe- cution of non-linear projects using BIM methodology. The Economic Development Institute of the Principality of Astu- rias, through the Asturias Science, Technology and Innova - tion Plan, has approved the ONLYBIM Innovation project, “Development of a module for the design and execution of non-linear projects under BIM methodology”, part of which is the implementation of the module in a pilot project by FCC Construcción. The project will last a year and a half (2019-2021) and will be developed jointly with the Asturian SME, Buhodra (ISTRAM ®). The project contemplates the development of a design tool for civil engineering geared toward non-linear works that will speed up the design to their potential (engineering companies, construction com - panies, public administrations) and guarantee the connec - tion with existing BIM tools. MATINSA, by the emergency procedure, has obtained the contract to attend the “Operations of conservation and exploitation in the highways CA-35 and CA-36, that contain respectively the Constitution of 1812 and Jose Leon de Carranza Bridges”. Over and above the various classic operations of comprehensive road maintenance contracts, the operations relating to the large number of facilities that exist and those required for the inspection and surveillance of their unique crossing structures are noteworthy. The conservation centre has a 24-hour con- trol centre equipped with video surveillance and remote control, from which various parameters are monitored (wind speed, lighting, beacons) and from which variable signage and ornamental lighting, among others, are ma - naged. FCC Construcción has participated in the document prepared by the Spa - nish Global Compact Network, “Sus- tainable Finance and Agenda 2030: Investing in the Transformation of the World”, being the first construction company in the world to join the Uni- ted Nations Global Compact’s “sustai- nable finance” group. This is a working group for CFOs of companies that collaborate to strengthen the role of sustainable finance in financial markets, the global economy and society as a whole, while promoting the role of the private sector in achieving SDGs. Read article. B R I E F - C O N S T R U C T I O N 61 CONSTRUCTION B R I E F