Somos FCC - Nº14

Bibliography: Bochnia is one of the most impor- tant economic centres in small me- dieval Poland. With a population of almost 30,000 inhabitants, it is a quiet and idyllic regional city loca- ted in Lesser Poland and about 40 kilometres from the capital of the re- gion and the second largest city in Poland: Krakow. Royal Bochnia Salt Mine Bochnia is best known for its histo- ric salt mine, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013 as an extension of the Wielic- zka salt mine, which was added to the UNESCO list in 1978. The Boch- nia salt mine dates back to 1248, ma- king it the oldest mine in Poland and one of the oldest in the world. For visitors to the mine, one of the most interesting aspects is that one can clearly see how the various mi- ning techniques used over the centu- ries have developed, which has defi - ned the shape, structure and design of the salt mine as we know it today. The best way to experience the his- tory of this impressive place is to take a walk through the August Passage, which used to be the main transport route between the east and west sections of the mine. With its many chambers and shafts, it forms a fas- cinating underground settlement. Undoubtedly, the passages in the underground section of the mine are also worth mentioning, as they cons- titute an extremely valuable historical source and offer an enlightening insi - ght into the life of the miners, inclu- ding their traditions, their beliefs and the excavation methods they emplo- yed. Historically, there were about 30 underground chapels that served not only as places of faith and worship, but also as meeting points where the miners could gather. The salt mine even contains a chapel with train tracks running through it - the first of its kind in the world! Another good reason to visit the Bo- chnia salt mine is the countless heal- th benefits of the so-called ‘Wazyn Chamber’. The largest chamber in- side the mine (255 meters long by 7 meters high) and the deepest one (at 248 meters) was named after the mine manager, Andrzej Wazynski. The conditions inside the Wazyn Chamber are very beneficial thanks to the purity of the air and the high saturation of microelements, such as magnesium or calcium. The cham- ber, besides being the final point of all guided tours through the mine, is equipped with 300 beds and even contains a basketball and volleyball court. BOCHNIA.EU KOPALNIA-BOCHNIA.PL FCC-GROUP.EU C O M M U N I T I E S 59 C O M M U N I T I E S