Somos FCC - Nº14

C O M U N I C A T I O N 57 C O M U N I C A T I O N The FCC Group has taken another step forward in its commitment to new technologies and has launched its new FCC360 App, a tool to make life easier for the teams working at FCC. The launch of the new App is a further step in FCC's commitment to innovation to improve the competitive- ness of its teams and company. The FCC360 application enables many ordinary ma- nagement processes to be deployed efficiently and at a reduced cost and keeps the Group's employee com- munity informed and connected. For example, FCC employees can download their payroll online, their personal income tax certificate and make many other queries such as requesting and managing holidays or booking rooms with just one click. They will also be kept up to date with the latest news about the FCC Group, internal communication campaigns, employee competitions and various sporting and health activities promoted by the company. In addition, with FCC360 the company is putting at the service of the new digital work model, a more in-dep- th knowledge of the FCC Group's DNA (mission and values) and access to Campus, the company's virtual university. This is a fast, comfortable and simple App. To start browsing it, FCC Group employees will only have to download the mobile application and register with their e-mail address and password. The FCC Group launches its FCC360 App The ease with which applications can be developed and the wide mobility of our society has enabled the company to integrate the entire community of FCC em- ployees. This is the first time that the company has rea - ched all its employees online, so this channel will allow it to strengthen internal communication with them. With FCC360, the Group's employees will be more connected than ever, sharing projects and futures from the palm of their hands. APP FCC360 BROCHURE