Somos FCC - Nº14

Scalibur A European project to reduce environmental impact and generate new business opportunities To develop sustainable proces- ses for application in wastewater facilities and to create new value chains such as bioplastics, bioche- micals, or bioenergy”. This is one of the challenges addressed by our R&D department with the Sca- libur project, which focuses on the sustainable management of urban biowaste. Scalibur is part of the EU H2020 Research and Innovation program- me in which twenty-one institutions from nine different countries are participating, including Aqualia in Spain and its subsidiary SmVak in the Czech Republic. It has a total subsidy of over ten million euro. Scalibur’s development plan inclu- des transferring to its target public the active commitment of its part- ners in the development of busi- ness opportunities in the circular economy. Its communication plan includes its own website that will publicize its progress in transfor- ming urban waste and sewage slu- dge into high-value products, thus helping cities to increase their recy- cling rate. Monsalvo’s interview has also been shared on social networ- ks by numerous users and specia- lised media. The Scalibur consortium has also published an explanatory video presenting the main objectives of the project in a graphic and simple way. The project focuses on the sustainable management of urban bio-waste, with the aim of transforming biological waste that produces greenhouse gases into high-value products such as bioplastics, biochemicals or bioenergy. The Avanza Awards were created to channel the ex- pertise of FCC’s people and to recognise their efforts and willingness to participate through proposals that can be translated into operational improvements that increase the company’s competitiveness. Scalibur Web I N N O V A T I O N 54 I N N O V A T I O N