Somos FCC - Nº14

ENAC accredits the guarantee and reliability of the Badajoz laboratory in the midst of the state of alarm The laboratory is integrated within the facilities of the DWTP “Santa Engracia”, in Badajoz. Last year, it analy - sed some 3,900 water samples. After a year of intense work, and in the middle of the state of alarm, ENAC has granted the laboratory in Badajoz the accreditation according to the criteria of the UNE- EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard for testing activities in the environmental sector. This accreditation covers physi - cal-chemical analyses of pH, conductivity, colour, tur - bidity and ammonia by UV-VIS spectrophotometry, and microbiological analyses of coliform bacteria and e-coli. After obtaining the accreditation, Mª Dolores Muñoz, te- chnical manager of the laboratory, has set as an objec - tive for next year to extend the scope to the analysis of free residual chlorine and germs to 22º, a goal for which they are already working at full capacity. ENAC’s seal provides the Badajoz laboratory with a gua - rantee of its reliability and professionalism that backs up its competence in carrying out these analyses, making it the only private laboratory in Extremadura to obtain this quality seal. The laboratory becomes the first private entity to obtain this quality seal in Extremadura The accreditation comes after more than a year of work doing many tests, inter-comparisons with other laboratories and a great work of traceability W E L L N E S S 50 W E L L N E S S