Somos FCC - Nº14

Group’s corporate brand, with the aim of increasing the profitability of exploitation operations and customer satisfaction. In terms of structure, during the- se five years we have managed to strengthen profitability and operating cash flow thanks to the implementa - tion of strict discipline in terms of cost control and the sharp reduction of Construction of the platform for the Murcia-Almería High-Speed Mediterranean Corridor, section: Níjar-Río Andarax. Doha Metro (Qatar). Remodelling of the new Santiago Bernabéu Stadium (Madrid). structure and corporate costs in or- der to be more agile and competitive. Finally, in the financial area, the Car - so Group’s leadership was essential for a combined process of strengthe- ning the capital structure, with two capital increases, executed in De- cember 2014 and March 2016, for a joint amount of 1,709 million euros, which served as the basis for an in-depth restructuring and the sub- sequent reduction of the company’s debt. Colio concluded his presentation with the following thoughts: “The set of actions carried out have made it possible to strengthen and comple- tely revamp the FCC Group”; and he stressed that “as a result of the- se five years of work and effort, the company has been awarded many significant contracts in all its areas of activity”. The CEO then presented the share- holders with a breakdown of the fi - nancial results. In 2019, the company obtained a net profit of 339.9 million euros, 21.5% more than in the pre- Pablo Colio CEO of the FCC Group All these actions have allowed the FCC Group to be strengthened and completely renewed”. “As a result of these five years of work and effort, the company has been awarded many significant contracts in all its areas of activity”. F C C G R O U P 16 F C C G R O U P