Somos FCC - Nº14

Board. Both of them wanted to ex- pressly highlight the work done in this time of crisis by FCC professio- nals who have been at the forefront of essential services and who have worked in an exemplary manner to fulfil the company’s commitment to guarantee citizens waste collection and treatment services and street cleaning; the full water cycle servi - ce and the management and main- tenance of transport infrastructures, all of which are critical to the proper functioning of cities and the well-be- ing of people. In her speech to the shareholders, Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, chair of FCC, stressed that “FCC will con- tinue to be a stable, lasting project with a common spirit and a long-term vision, a company worth betting on”. In addition, referring to the com- pany’s 120th anniversary this year, the Chairman added “a past that bac- ks up our present”. Next, before reporting on the results of fiscal year 2019, the FCC Group’s managing director, Pablo Colio, hi- ghlighted the actions carried out in Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, chairperson of FCC FCC will continue to be a stable, lasting project with a common spirit and a long-term vision, a company worth betting on. The head of the Water area has reinforced its presence in the United Arab Emirates. Wastewater treatment plant in Ávila. New Central Water Laboratory in Oviedo, which has become a benchmark technology centre in Spain. the last five years, a set of funda - mental actions based on three main areas: operational, structural and financial, which have since led the FCC Group to the path of profitabi - lity. This plan of initiatives, driven by FCC’s new shareholder structure, which since then has had the Carso Group as its benchmark, has ena- bled the company to obtain a solid position in all aspects over the last five years. In the operating area, FCC has ma- naged to recover its position as a Group specialised in the manage- ment of environmental services, the management of the comprehensive water cycle and the development and management of infrastructures. This is in addition to improving risk management systems, increasing an ethical commitment in all projects and promoting synergies between business areas and the value of the 15