Somos FCC - Nº14

The new FCC In December 2014, FCC made a ca- pital increase worth 1 billion euro, which made it possible for executi- ve Carlos Slim to become a major shareholder. In 2016, after another 700 million euro capital increase, Carlos Slim gained control of FCC with 61.1% of share capital by ma- king a formal offer at 7.6 euros per share, with a 15% premium over the Group’s stock market price. In the service of the globalised world, FCC harmoniously combines its ex- perience, full of business success, with the new challenges that mark the needs of an increasingly globali- sed circular economy. In other words, without forgetting its business, envi- ronmental services, comprehensive water management and infrastructu- res, FCC must project itself into the future, on an exciting journey in the constant search for better service to society that benefits, in fair reciproci - ty, its shareholders and employees. Its leadership position strengthens the Group’s capacity to take advan- tage of the demand for its activities. Today the FCC Group is present in over 30 countries, where it employs more than 59,000 people. Nearly 45% of its revenues come from inter- national markets. Three main axes: operational, structural and financial In the last five years, the Group im - plemented a set of essential measu- res focused on three main premises: operational, structural and financial. As a result, the Group is on the ri- ght track to ensure profitability and remains an international reference in citizen services. These initiatives, driven by FCC’s new shareholder structure, which has since made the Carso Group a benchmark, has ena- bled our Group to obtain a solid po- sition in all aspects over the last five years. These three areas of action have enabled the FCC Group to streng- then and completely renew itself with a solid financing structure. In addition, at the corporate level, the distribution of a flexible dividend in 2019 deserves a special mention, which for the first time in the com - pany’s history was launched. With this operation, FCC announced the return of the dividend payment, which had been suspended since 2013. It should also be noted that at the end of the year, the FCC Campus project was launched, the FCC Group’s cor- porate university, in response to the company’s commitment to promoting Alfilorios reservoir. Oviedo water service. Lincolshire incinerator. United Kingdom. San José Caldera Highway. Costa Rica. F C C G R O U P 10 F C C G R O U P