We are FCC - Nº13

FCC, receives the “2019 Shopping Diamond” award from the AERCE The Lima Metro concessionary company receives the Structured Financing of the Year award from LatinFinance magazine LatinFinance LatinFinance has closed the “2019 Banks of the Year Awards”, an annual award for excellence in transactions and financial services in Latin America and the Carib - bean from 1 October 2018 to 30 November 2019. On this occasion, the Lima Metro concessionary com - pany (18.25% owned by FCC Concesiones) received the “Structured Financing of the Year” award from the magazine. The FCC Group participated actively in this The FCC Group received the second “2019 Shopping Diamond” award in the “Integration of suppliers in the value chain” category of the Corpo - rate Transportation Service from the Spanish Association of Purchasing, Contracting and Procurement Pro - fessionals (AERCE). The initiatives rolled out by the Pur - chasing Department reinforce FCC’s commitment to achieve a greater optimisation, quality and digitisation of processes, as well as the alig - nment with Innovation, one of the company’s strategic objectives. The integration of JoinUp, a new provi - der integrated in the value chain of the FCC Group, is a reward for the Group’s coordination work when managing business travel mobility, using new technologies to promote innovation in corporate mobility. The award-giving ceremony was held on 21 November in an event attended by the most important pur - chasing managers. José Luis Daza, Head of Fleet and Fuel management of the Group’s Purchasing Depart - ment, attended the event on behalf of FCC and received the award. The AERCE Shopping Diamond ® Awards are an initiative of the Spa - nish Association of Purchasing, Contracting and Procurement Pro - fessionals (AERCE), which aims to recognise the work of people in Purchasing areas and institutions for their support and development of this area. These awards are aimed at giving more visibility to an increasingly im - portant area in organisations, highli - ghting the best practices of the Pur - chasing departments, the strategic nature of their projects, valuing their contribution to the organisation and, evidently, the leadership capacity of the best professionals of the Purcha - sing area over the past year. transaction by issuing the bonds and closing the finan - cing process. The winners of these prestigious awards are selected by the LatinFinance editorial team, who previously carried out an in-depth review of the activities in financial mar - kets, taking into account the size, complexity, innovative elements, importance of the market and the execution of each transaction. José Luis Daza, Head of Fleet and Fuel management of the Group’s Purchasing Department, attended the event on behalf of FCC and received the award F C C G R O U P 8 F C C G R O U P