We are FCC - Nº13

The urbanization of the Metropolitan Wanda Stadium awarded as the best public work by the CICCP Madrid Region Selected as an example of good practices by the European Commission FCC Construcción, the world’s first construction company to join the United Nations “Sustainable Finance” group Executive Committee of the Círculo de Tecnologías y para la Defensa y la Seguridad Foundation FCC Construcción holds its “First BIM Day Former Vice President Joe Biden visits the Gerald Desmond bridge project, executed by FCC Construcción The development of the Wanda Metropolitano Stadium, built by FCC Construcción, has been awarded as the best pu- blic work by the CICCP (Association of Civil Engi- neers) of the Madrid Re- gion. These prestigious awards recognise major projects and the work of Madrid’s civil engineers, whose innovative solutions improve the quality of life for Madrid’s citizens. Another category in which FCC Construcción was awarded was the “Prize for the best performance in engineering pro- jects or works” given to the Bridge over the Mersey River project. This is the largest bridge built in England in recent decades and the first multi-sided cable-stayed concrete bri - dge built in both Europe and America. The project of socio-labour insertion of the work “extension and reform of the hospital of Soria”, executed by FCC Construcción, selected as an exam- ple of good practices by the European Commission. The program of socio-la- bour insertion implemented in the work seeks the inclusion of people at risk of social exclusion wi- thin the labour market, assigning a tutor within the hospital construction project, which welcomes, helps and supervi- ses the work of the people benefited by the program. FCC Construcción has been the first construction company in the world to join the “Sustainable Finance” group of United Nations of Global Compact. In the SDG Investement Forum orga- nized by United Nations in the Milan Stock Exchange, the main CFOs of the companies associated to the United Nations group participated: Enel, Iberdola, Eni, Tesco, FCC Construcción among others. All of them were at the round table entitled “CFO´s role: enabling the SDG transition”. During her speech, Maria Carrasco explained how FCC Construcción uses a sustainable financing system with the objective of supporting economic, social and environmental growth through infrastructure development. At its corporate headquarters in Ma- drid, FCC Industrial organized the Executive Committee of the Círculo de Tecnologías y para la Defensa y la Seguridad Foundation. The conferen- ce was attended by the Foundation’s director general and several represen- tatives of the public administration: the deputy director ge- neral of coordination and plans of the Ministry of Defence, the head of technical services of the Ministry of the Interior, the director of the ETSI of Telecommunications of the UPM and the deputy director general of promotion of the informa- tion society. The business directors of various companies in the sector, such as INDRA, AIRBUS, GMV, HISDESAT, among others, also attended. During the conference, FCC Industrial gave a presentation on the capacities, solutions and systems offered by the company in the field of security and defence. FCC Construcción held the First BIM Workshop at the Las Tablas corporate building in Madrid. This event is inten- ded to be an annual meeting point for all the BIM managers of FCC Construcción, to sha- re the main work done to date by the different teams, both nationally and internationally. The objective is for the diffe - rent areas of the company to gain operational efficiency in tenders and works, thus responding to market needs. Former Vice President of the 44th US presidency, Joe Biden, visited, accompanied by the mayor of Long Beach, the Port of Long Beach Executive Director and other pu- blic representatives, the Gerald Desmond Bridge project, built by FCC Construcción. Biden met with the project teams and explained the importance of this infrastructure for Californian commerce. In turn, he stressed the need for infrastructure projects such as the one FCC develops. B R I E F - C O N S T R U C T I O N 59 CONSTRUCTION B R I E F