We are FCC - Nº13

The projects add up to a total portfo- lio over 400 million euros. At the same time, Aqualia has prevai - led in the public bidding process for the concession in the city of Villa del Rosario, in the metropolitan area of Cúcuta. The project, with a portfolio value of 87.5 million euro, includes the operation, expansion, upgrading, maintenance and commercial mana - gement of the city’s public water and sewerage service infrastructure, whe - re the company will serve the 97,000 inhabitants. This tender includes the design and construction of a new 7-ki - lometer raw water pipeline, the insta - llation of micrometres at the outlet of the existing plant, as well as the de - In Colombia, Aqualia is in the final phase of the project for the de - sign, construction and operation of the El Salitre treatment plant, located in Bogotá. Once comple - ted, the plant will treat a flow of more than 600,000 cubic metres of water per day (m3/day) and will serve 3 million people in the Co - lombian capital. In Mexico, the company was se - lected to carry out the design, equipment, construction, start-up, operation and maintenance of the Guaymas desalination plant, in the Mexican state of Sonora, for a total period of 20 years. The new facility, on which works are alre - ady underway, will serve almost 100,000 inhabitants. Since 2015 Aqualia has been ope - rating and maintaining the comple - te system of the El Realito aque - duct for piping and making water drinkable from the El Realito dam (in the north of the Mexican state of Guanajuato) to the metropolitan area of San Luis Potosí (capital of the state of the same name). The company has previously partici - pated in the Aqueduct System II, which supplies 700,000 people in the state of Querétaro. Furthermore, in Ecuador, the Was - tewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) was inaugurated recently in Am - bato, which serves more than 220,000 inhabitants. The pro - ject involves extending the city’s wastewater treatment coverage, which until now was less than 5%. As a result, the treatment plant will improve the population’s sanitary conditions, as well as preserve the quality of water resources and boost the territory’s economic and social development. Aqualia currently serves a total of five countries in Latin America: Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia and Ecuador. Presence in Latin America sign of a new treatment plant with a capacity of 100 litres per second, in addition to major improvement, ex - pansion and replacement water wor - ks and sewerage networks. With these 13 new concessions in Colombia, Aqualia has won its first complete water cycle management contracts in Latin America, a region where it has already developed va - rious projects for the design, cons - truction and operation of treatment, purification and desalination plants. C O M M U N I T I E S 55 C O M M U N I T I E S