We are FCC - Nº13

FCC Construcción was awarded its first contract in Norway, contem - plating the design and construction of the E6 Ulsberg-Vindasliene mo - torway. The project involves an in - vestment of over 263 million euro and a 47-month completion period. The contract includes the design and construction of a two-lane mo - torway section in each direction of traffic, with roads separated by a median. The motorway will be 25 ki - lometres long and will have a new la - yout. The 20-kilometre-long section between the Ulsberg and Vindaslie - ne tunnels will be built with two la - nes in each direction and separate carriageways, with a 20-metre-wide section, while the Ulsberg and Vin - dasli tunnels (1.4 and 2.0 kilometres respectively) will have three lanes. Twenty structures are contemplated in the project, including bridges, dra - inage works and fauna crossings, together with new links in Ulsberg and Berkak, in addition to mainte - nance, revegetation and landsca - ping work in the affected areas. Experience in highways and motorways FCC Construcción has executed more than 8,500 kilometres of road, motorway and expressway work in the four continents where it opera - tes, using all forms of contracting and financing. C O M M U N I T I E S 53 C O M M U N I T I E S