We are FCC - Nº13

FCC Medio Ambiente presents its Avanza 2019 Awards FCC Medio Ambiente held the se - cond edition of the Avanza Awards, which are held every two years. At the event, six projects were awarded in the categories of social initiatives, quality improvement, respect for the environment and innovative solutions. The event, held at FCC’s corporate headquarters in Las Tablas, Madrid, was presided over by the general manager of FCC Environment, Jordi Payet, who stressed the innovative spirit of the employees and their inte - rest in “creating new things”, not wi - thout first congratulating the winners and the nominees. Afterwards, the company’s director of Innovation and Management Sys - tems, Francisco José Huete, and the head of Quality, Environment and Sustainability, Susana Pelegrín, were in charge of presenting the pro - jects and handing out the awards to - gether with the general manager. Social Initiatives Category In this category, the prize was sha - red on an equal basis by Xavier Vigo Ramonet and Román Belmonte Ra - mírez, from the Catalunya I depart - Category Respect for the Environ- ment Finally, the Environment Award was also given on an equal basis to Car - los Mallén Loras, Damián Cuesta Martín, Marta Agudo Sánchez and Ana María Luengo Aguilar of FCC Ámbito’s northern office and to Fer - nando Marzo González and Paulino Romero Nevado of the Barcelona and Balearic Islands office, for the initiatives ‘Construction and opera - tion of a recovery tower for the treat - ment of the CSP fraction (Ceramics, Stones and Porcelains) in a glass recycling plant’ and ‘Installation of the combs for the retention of solid waste in the sewerage systems’, res - pectively. To conclude, Jordi Payet emphasi - zed that the collaboration of our peo - ple is fundamental, not only for the continuous improvement and exce - llence of the services, but also in or - der to generate new lines of business that contribute to Company’s growth. ment, together with Carmelo Jiménez Bozal and Diego Tejedor Hernández, from the Aragón-La Rioja depart - ment. The first ones, for the project ‘Process of cultural change with the new role of the professionals of the public cleaning in L’Hospitalet de Llo - bregat’, realized in collaboration with the Town hall of the locality and union leaders, whereas the second ones have been rewarded by the proposal ‘Normalization of the company to re - ceive people with intellectual disabili - ty and to realize joint activities for his inclusion’. Categories Quality Improvement and Innovative Solutions Mª Esther García Vargas (Murcia-Al - mería delegation), author of the pro - ject ‘Integral device of computer ma - nagement of the service’, has been the winner in the category of Quali - ty. On the other hand, Felix Araque Serrano and Francisco José Molina Cortés (Levante I branch), with the candidacy of ‘Revolutionary system of pruning at height’, have been the winners in the Innovation section. I N N O V A T I O N 44 I N N O V A T I O N