We are FCC - Nº13

“Give away kilograms of generosity” Aqualia brings the SDGs and Agenda 2030 to schools in the 18th edition of its Children’s Competition Aqualia and SDG6 help children in their challenge Within the framework of the Agenda 2030 agreed by the UN Assembly, this year the theme of the Contest revolves around the SDGs with a special emphasis on SDG6, “clean water and sanita - tion”. In order to bring children closer to and involve them in the universe of SDGsin a fun way, two charac - ters, “Aqual” and “SDG6”, have been created to be the protago - nists of the competition. They will explain to the children in first per - son the integral water cycle and will encourage them to join the Water Guardians; they will give them the keys to overcome the different stages of the challenge and design the poster to be pre - sented at the competition. Pan y Peces Foundation In December last FCC launched a solidarity Christmas campaign under the slogan “Give away kilo - grams of generosity” to collect ba - sic (non-perishable) products and Christmas sweets for the benefit of the Pan y Peces (Bread and Fish) Foundation. As part of its socially responsible commitment, FCC provided the Pan y Peces Foundation with collection points for these foods so that our Aqualia presents the 18th edition of its Digital Children’s Competition which, year after year, raises awa - reness and educates children about the importance of water and the work behind turning on the tap and having quality water. On this occasion, Aqualia invites children to become “Water Guar - dians” and design a creative poster employees could give their “kilo - grams of generosity” to society’s most needy. During the campaign, over 400 kilo - grams of various types of products were collected: perfume, drug and food products. With this action, we managed to reach more than 50 underprivileged families, giving them, through the Pan y Peces Foundation, a shopping cart of ba - sic foodstuffs. Each of these shopping carts is de - signed to meet the needs of house - holds according to the number of components, their ages and their state of health. Pan y Peces also supports chil - dren’s education and works under the slogan of “discretion” so that the children are not aware of the source of the foodstuff. As part of its social commitment, FCC supports this solidarity initia - tive which aims to raise awareness of the shortcomings of our environ - ment and help those who need it most. Pan y Peces website that reflects their vision of the water cycle and how to use it in a sustaina - ble way. At www.aqualiayods6.com you will find all the necessary pie - ces. On this occasion, after choosing the canvas, the children will have to answer questions about the water cycle. Their answers will provide them with new pieces to insert on the canvas, until they design their poster. R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 31 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y