We are FCC - Nº13

The Christmas campaign #SedSo - lidarios, launched by Aqualia in co - llaboration with UNHCR, concludes successfully after registering nearly 16,000 kilometres travelled by more than 250 participants on the websi - te www.sedsolidarios.com . With this figure, Aqualia reaches the initial ob - jective set at 14,400 kilometres, the total that 1,200 refugees from Sou - thern Sudan travel daily in Uganda to have access to drinking water. As a result of this action, Aqualia and UNHCR are already working to ma - terialize the campaign’s objective: to install a solar pumping system in the Ugandan refugee camp in Southern Sudan, providing them with a closer point to extract quality water. Fernando Sevillano, head of Stra - tegic Alliances at UNHCR-Spain, takes stock of the action in this vi - deo. In it, he explains the next steps of the project, the largest under - taken by Aqualia to date within the framework of its corporate social responsibility policy: “With this cam - paign we are achieving much more The #Sedsolidarios challenge achives its objective of providing drinking water to refugees in Uganda Contribution to SDGs 6, 4 and 8 This is the result of the Christmas www. sedsolidarios.com campaign in which Aqyalai invited people to record kilometres to contribute symbolically to reducing the distance that refugees must travel to collect drinking water, most of them women and children. Aqualia and UNHCR are already working on the project to install a solar pumping system in a camp of refugees from Southern Sudan in Uganda. In addition to bringing access to quality water closer (ODS 6 Clean water and sanitation), the project contributes to the development of the territory, with a direct im - pact on the contribution of SDG 4 (Quality education) and SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth). than just providing water. We are giving future and, above all, suppor - ting the women’s group, in which this type of project has a greater im - pact”, Sevillano points out. According to UNHCR data, more than 85 per cent of refugees in southern Sudan are women and children. The opportunity to have access to clean water close to their homes for drinking and washing helps them to survive and regain their dignity. By not having to move to fetch water, children will be able to go to school and women will be able to train or work. Water is fundamental to development and can be a driver of change for a more just society, the main challen - ge of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Aqualia, committed to the achievement of these Objectives, takes another step towards guaran - teeing access to drinking water for people in emergency situations. R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 30 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y