We are FCC - Nº13

FCC Construcción publishes its “Environmental Report 2019” that describes the relationship of our projects with their natural and so - cial surroundings. Since 2015, there has been an in - ternational reference framework: the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which make up the Agenda 2030 approved by the Uni - ted Nations and which FCC Cons - trucción has assumed in a corpo - rate manner. In order to achieve these objectives, activities such as building are particularly relevant, as they have major direct and in - direct social, economic and envi - ronmental repercussions. This is why in our Sustainability Report for 2015 we began to give explicit ac - counts of our contribution to each of the SDGs through our actions and commitments. FCC Construcción publishes its “Environmental Report 2019” FCC Construcción has an environ - mental management system which, by identifying the risks and condi - tions associated with our actions and recording the results of our decisions, enables us to determi - ne the best practices for mitigating the negative impacts related to the works and thus progress in the con - tinuous improvement of the overall quality of our activities. These are initiatives that make it possible to boost efficiency in the consumption of resources, reduce the genera - tion of waste, mitigate the incon - venience to the population and the surrounding environment and, in general, mitigate the environmental and social impacts that all cons - truction work inevitably entails. Environmental Report 2019 Since 2000 This Environmental Report, which since its first edition in 2000, pro - vides information on our environ - mental management, contributes to disseminate the actions and gui - delines that are at the base of the company’s success. The dissemi - nation of this report allows us, on the one hand, to publicise our good environmental and social practices and turn them into inspiration and a reference for other companies and, on the other hand, helps us to ca - rry out an internal reflection on our own actions, which further commits us to excellence in business mana - gement. READ REPORT R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 29 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y