We are FCC - Nº13

FCC Industrial has become the first construction company to obtain the “Waste Zero” traceability system certificate, granted by AENOR. The construction company has mana - ged to certify a recovery of the was - te generated in the construction, industrial and civil works in Torija (Guadalajara) of 99.99%. To achie - ve this, FCC Industrial carried out a detailed study of the waste fractions that were generated in the audited project as well as their flow by ca - rrying out a redesign of procedures and processes for their manage - ment in a circular economy context. SDG commitment Obtaining this certificate is part of the company’s voluntary commit - FCC Industrial, first “Zerro Waste” construction company ment to the integration and fulfil - ment of the Sustainable Develop - ment Goals. FCC Industrial becomes the first construction company that offers its clients and stakeholders the develo - pment of its projects without sending any waste to landfill. In the words of Eduardo Yges Peña, General Direc - tor of FCC Industrial, “in a society that demands more and more envi - ronmental awareness to companies, with visible measures and results, construction companies must take up the challenge and not fall behind in the challenge”. FCC Industrial for the implementation of “Zero Was - te” developed extensive training in waste management for both its own staff and subcontractors; a correct separation in origin of the waste in its different fractions and a use of large volume containers, achieving with the latter the double objective of re - ducing carbon dioxide emissions by considerably reducing the number of waste transport as well as making it profitable the project achieving a positive or zero price for most of the waste. In addition, FCC Industrial developed social aspect plans such as waste training in the institutes of the area; the collaboration with charities or non-profit organizations through the transfer of waste for its subsequent recovery or ad hoc environmental actions such as the planting of native species once the work is finished. This new “Zero Waste” certificate joins the environmental (ISO 14001) and energy efficiency (ISO 51001) certifications that the company owns, together with the implemen - tation of international labels such as BREEAM and LEED in its different projects. All this constitutes a sam - ple of FCC Industrial’s commitment to sustainability, allowing it to be one of the leading and leading compa - nies in the sector. José Antonio Madrazo, José Antonio Madrazo, Director of FCC Construcción Spain and Portugal and director of the Industrial area, collected the certificate awarded by AENOR R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 28 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y