We are FCC - Nº13

SEE CAMPAINGS The event, which took place on 28 January last, was presided over by the first deputy mayor and council - man in charge of services, Julio Oca, who, during his presentation, stressed FCC’s commitment and investment in environmental awareness, which is a sure sign of the value of establishing the necessary contractual relationship of trust that must prevail between the council and the entity. The project consists of the participa - tion of more than 350 primary school students from CEIP Fabraquer, El Vin - cle, Pla de Barraques and Rafael Alta - mira in 30 sessions, of approximately one hour’s duration, of environmental awareness, which began in February. The environmental awareness works - hops will be structured on the same matrix based on recycling and citi - zenship and the activities will be diffe - rentiated according to the age of the students. In this way, with games such as “The Magnetic Blackboard”, aimed at primary school pupils, the children will learn to identify how many types of waste there are and their correspon - ding containers. Municipal Market Other noteworthy activities are the organic and selective implementation in the sustainable municipal market and awareness-building amongst the shopkeepers about the environmental problems associated with the genera - tion of bio-waste and selective fraction (blue and yellow). The door-to-door collection service and the collection of cigarette butts on the beaches com - plete the main lines of the 2020 envi - ronmental awareness campaign. The event was attended on behalf of FCC by the company’s head of servi - ce, Diego Jiménez, and the company’s environmental educator, Aitana Green, who stressed the importance of these workshops for children. “We think that if children are capable of identifying and solving environmental problems at an early age, they will be able to con - tinue with it in adulthood and acquire a commitment to their actions and an awareness of their responsibilities,” she said. Environmental awareness in the schools of El Campello (Alicante) Presentation of the environmental awareness campaign in El Campello (Alicante). Since 1999 FCC Medio Ambiente has been providing solid urban waste co - llection and street cleaning ser - vices in El Campello since 1999, in a relationship that extends to the present. R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 26 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y