We are FCC - Nº13

The conference continued with a visit to the Ávila regional service. The first meeting of the International International area addresses the challenges faced by the company in its expansion outside Spain Topics such as company culture, brand reputation, regulatory compliance, talent recruitment and mobility in the different territories, or development strategy and the necessary resources, were addressed in an interesting day in which all attendees participated actively. Under the slogan “People working for people”, Aqualia’s First International Meeting was held in Madrid with the aim of addressing the major challen - ges presented by the company’s in - ternationalisation. The conference, which was followed by a visit to the Avila Service, was an important rein - forcement of the company’s internal cohesion and group spirit. The event began with general presen - tations by Félix Parra, Aqualia’s CEO, Carmen Rodriguez, Director of Peo - ple and Culture, and Jesús Ortega, Director of Regulatory Compliance. I continue with the presentation of six specific cases by Country Managers from the different territories where the company works: Maximiliano Stem - pels (Peru), David Díez (Mexico), Javier Díaz (Saudi Arabia), Fadi Abi Assal (AqualiaMace), Anatol Pse - nicka (SmVaK), and Pascal German (SPIE). The second part of the conference was held in a debate format, mode - rated by Luis de Lope, director of In - ternational, in which topics such as Aqualia’s role in the water value chain, regulatory compliance, exporting and attracting talent and the correct sizing of resources were addressed. Befo - re the CEO’s farewell speech, Juan Pablo Merino, Director of Communi - cations and CSR, stressed “the im - portance of a company’s brand repu - tation in developing businesses that aim for triple economic, social and environmental sustainability”. Aqualia’s international activity began in 2006 with the acquisition of the Czech company SmVaK. Since then the company has progressively in - creased its international presence to date, with projects in 18 countries and a global service to over 25 million ci - tizens that is sure to grow in the next few fiscal years. P E O P L E S 25 P E O P L E S