We are FCC - Nº13

Esther Koplowitz received the “2020 Ibero-American Patronage” Prize from the Callia Foundation On 26 February, Queen Sofia presented Esther Koplowitz with the Callia Foundation’s “2020 Ibe - ro-American Patronage Prize” in recognition of her work through the Foundation that bears her name. In addition to Esther Koplowitz’s tireless philanthropic work of over 25 years, she has also shown ex - traordinary personal dedication aimed at bringing happiness to all those who enjoy the benefits of the Foundation that bears her name. In her words of gratitude when co - llecting the Ibero-American patro - nage prize at the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ma - drid from HM Queen Sofia, Esther Koplowitz alluded to the example set by the work undertaken by Queen Sofia, whom she characte - rised as “the queen of solidarity”. The ceremony was also witnes - sed by the Minister of Science and Innovation, Pedro Duque; by Car - men Reviriego, president of the Callia Foundation, the entity that organises the prizes; and the di - rector of the art gallery, Fernando de Teherán. Since 1970 The Esther Koplowitz Foundation, founded in 1970 and institutionalised on 13 December 1995, focuses on el - The Esther Koplowitz Foundation, focuses on elderly (nearly always destitute) people with physical and mental disabilities, and the advancement of biomedical research. It also awards scholarships and study grants She collected the prize at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, in Madrid, from the hands of H.M. Queen Sofia Queen Sofía accompanied by the authorities and award-winners at the event. F C C G R O U P 10 F C C G R O U P