We are FCC - Nº12

Processing of one million tonnes of non-recyclable waste in Buckinghamshire (UK) FCC Ámbito participates in the campaign “For an Albufera without Plastics Inauguration of the Millerhill Recycling and Energy Recovery Centre (United Kingdom) FCC participates in the Mares Circulares project in Ávila XVII Conference on Mobility and Environment Equality awareness-raising workshop To celebrate this milestone FCC Environment demonstrated its commitment to the environ- ment and local beekeeping, supporting the live- lihood of one million honey bees by sponsoring 20 beehives and providing honey-making equi- pment for TherapBEE, a county mental health association that supports the emergency servi- ces and the military. The FCC Ámbito team from Vall d’Uixó (Castellón) participated in a clean-up day at Valencia’s Albufera Natural Park as part of the annual “For an Albufera Without Plastics” campaign organised by the Department of Ecological Transition together with the Spanish Ornithological Socie- ty (SEO). More than 220 volunteers took part in the clean- up work, which was coordinated by the riverside town halls and conservationist associations. They managed to collect 1,380 kg of different waste, which was sorted by origin and type of material. The Millehill Recycling and Ener- gy Recovery Centre (RERC) in Midlothian, near Edinburgh (U.K.) was officially opened. The Millehill RERC, worth an investment of 142 million pounds sterling, was develo- ped by FCC Environment UK, FCC Medio Ambiente’s subsidiary in the United Kingdom, joint- ly with the Edinburh and Midlothian City Councils pursuant to a contract for the design, finance, construction and ma- nagement of the facility for a 25-year period. As part of the “Avila Camino Salud” Healthy Company management programme and the “Steps to a sustaina- ble city” initiative, FCC Medio Ambiente participated in an initiative of the Circular Seas project, which is carried out with the collaboration of national and regional institu- tions and foundations. In this specific case, FCC Medio Ambiente Ávila had the support of the Provincial Council, Candeleda City Council (Avila), Candavera High School, volunteers and NGOs such as Chelonia, which focuses on protecting aquatic species. With this action, the cleaning of the Rosarito reservoir in Candeleda (Avila) was carried out, with the removal of more than 650 kilos of waste from the different frac- tions. The Candele- da City Council and Candavera Secon- dary School collabo- rated in the cleaning, as well as volunteers and neighbourhood associations. FCC Medio Ambiente participated in the XVII Conference organized by Madridiario on Mobility and the En- vironment, “A Challenge for Cities”. The conference, which was opened by the head of the Madrid Regional Government’s Department of the Environment, Land Planning and Sustainability, Paloma Martín, was attended by a large number of re- presentatives of both the city government and the Madrid Regional Government, as well as representatives of diffe- rent companies in the sector. Representing FCC Medio Ambiente was Raúl Pérez Vega, head of the Madrid office, who participated in a round table discussion on new waste collection methods. The FCC Chair of Occupational Risk Prevention and Human Resources has organised an awareness day on equality issues for the management of FCC Medio Ambiente, middle ma- nagement and committees of each of the company’s contracts that provide services to Zaragoza City Council. The workshop, which took place at the Faculty of Social and Labour Sciences in the city of Zaragoza, was taught and coor- dinated by the dean of the faculty, Ruth Vallejo Dacosta, assisted by professors from the University of Zaragoza and experts in gender equality. This conference dealt with issues of gender equality and health; gender violence and the prevention of gender-based harassment in compa- nies. Carmelo Jimenez Bozal, human resources manager of FCC Medio Ambiente Aragón, closed the seminar by talking about the implementation of the company’s equa- lity plan. B R I E F - E N V I R O N M E N T 58 ENVIRONMENT B R I E F