We are FCC - Nº12

The joint venture has managed to reduce the loss ratio in the supply network to less than 5% and the level of customer satisfaction is above 95% desalination plant. It also includes a 10,000 m3/day drinking water plant, a 600,000 m³/hour seawater outlet and a pumping system, among other facilities. All of them are located in one of the largest ports in the world and one of the most developed free trade zones. In just one year of management, the joint venture has managed to reduce the Non Revenue Water ratio (los- ses in the supply network) to less than 5% and the level of customer satisfaction is above 95%, accor- ding to an internal evaluation carried out among the port user companies. In addition, the company has ended this first year of management with zero occupational accidents, the result of its strong commitment to health and safety. The joint venture wants to continue taking steps on its path to excellen- ce and is already preparing a sys- tem for monitoring the sewage ne- twork and another in real time for the supply network to further reduce leaks. The integration of local talent into a structure defined by Aqualia’s ex- perience and know-how, as well as the efficient management of assets and of health and safety, quality and the environment, have made this public-private partnership an exem- plary model of water resource ma- nagement. In just one year, OSWS has obtai- ned ISO 9001 (quality) and 14001 (environment) certification and will soon be auditing to obtain OHSAS 18001 (health and safety) certifi- cation, which shows how quickly a comprehensive implementation has been achieved in a local activity. Furthermore, in the first half of 2020, the company is expected to receive ISO 55,001 certification for asset management. In this way, the Sustainable solutions The joint venture Oman Sustainable Water Services (OSWS), formed by Aqualia and the Omani public com- pany Majis Industrial Services, has the mission of providing customers with sustainable solutions, investing in Omani human resources, conser- ving available resources and applying the latest technologies for the benefit of the area. Aqualia reinforces its presence in the Middle East and North Africa area. In this area, its portfolio reaches 250 mi- llion. Aqualia is present in Saudi Ara- bia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar. In these countries it serves a population of 6 million inhabitants and treats 600,000 m³ of water per day. In addition, the company mana- ges another three water contracts in Egypt, valued at 300 million euro. company will accredit its proactive management of the asset life cycle, which, in turn, contributes to impro- ving operational results, business performance and, ultimately, the company’s results. C O M M U N I T I E S 55 C O M M U N I T I E S