We are FCC - Nº12

C O M U N I C A T I O N 52 C O M U N I C A T I O N The period for participating in the 4th Edition of the Aqualia Journalism Prize "End.-to-end wa- ter management in municipalities" is now open, the competition that recognises journalists who contribute to increasing the culture of water as a scarce and precious asset. Journalistic works published between 1 Novem- ber 2018 and 31 October 2019 in the Spanish media in press, radio and TV, printed and/or digi- tal format, are eligible for the award. The work of the journalist whose work reflects the importan- ce of the management of the integral water cycle for the development of societies and territories will be recognised. The deadline for submission of applications will remain open until 16 February 2020. In order to be accepted, it is essential to complete and send -by e-mail or mail- the registration form, availa- ble on the Aqualia website www.aqualia.com. The jury will a ward a first prize of 3,000 euros and two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros each to the best entries. The organisers will announce the finalists of the competition and the date of the awards ceremony, which will be held in Madrid, in April 2020. All the information about the competition, condi- tions of participation and how to send the works can be consulted in the Rules of the 4th Journa- lism Prize, published on the Aqualia website. Previous Editions The balance of the first three editions was very positive. In 2016 the jury chose the journalist To- más Díaz as the winner for an article published in the newspaper El Economista entitled "The sani- tation fee will rise by 50% and make the bill more expensive". In the second edition, the journalist Francisco Jiménez of the Diario Sur newspaper won the first prize for his article "A constant drip in the middle of a drought". In its last edition, the Aqualia Journalism Award went to Jorge García Badía, a journalist from La Verdad de Murcia, for his work "The municipal water service loses 300,000 euros a year due to network fraud". The 4th Aqualia Journalism Award is underway