We are FCC - Nº12

C O M U N I C A T I O N 51 C O M U N I C A T I O N Focused on facilitating the experience of distance training A project with a long-term vision, stable, durable and responsible for establishing the best possible work environment Campus FCC is born, the corpora- te university of the FCC Group that responds to the company's commit- ment to people promotion. The FCC Group's professionals will be trained in this virtual learning space. Campus is aimed at both implemen- ting the Group's strategy and helping achieve the goals of all businesses, through the improvement of individual and organisational performance. Therefore, the purpose of the new project is to facilitate the experience of distance training and provides all content, documentation, audiovisual materials and the technical tools ne- cessary for the development of the courses. This virtual platform can be accessed from any device and it is made up of three knowledge schools: Values, Di- gital and Compliance; in addition, it contains a training space for each bu- siness area with a catalogue of cour- ses that are organised by language, subject, skill, office automation and safety, health and well-being, among other topics. According to Pablo Colio, CEO of the FCC Group, "talent management is a priority for FCC. Our Group has more than 58,000 professionals spe- cialising in different business areas related to the environment, compre- hensive water management and in- frastructure. FCC's nearly 120 years of history have been written thanks to the dedication and loyalty of its peo- ple, who have always been known for their commitment, rigour, high level of professionalism and excellent custo- mer service. In return, FCC expects to be, for all members of the Group, a project with a long-term vision, sta- ble, long-lasting and responsible for the best possible work environment to attract, motivate and retain the best professionals and enhance talent". The project intends to homogenise and consolidate the FCC Group's transversal training practices, throu- gh the different schools; improve the effectiveness and efficiency of these programmes and their monitoring and tracking; promote the implemen- tation of new learning technologies; prepare teams to work in a diverse and global environment and gene- rate pride of belonging and bonds, among other goals. The Company’s commitment to the promotion of people