We are FCC - Nº12

water Aqualia celebrates its “Silver Jubilee” to commemorate the start of its activities in Badajoz, 25 years of commitment and work Family photograph of the employees who have worked 25 years in Aqualia Badajoz w2ith the city’s mayor and company executives. Themunicipal water service, managed by Aqualia, celebrated the “Silver Jubilee” commemorating the start of its activities in Badajoz. During the event, tribute was paid to those employees who have developed their careers in this service and who represent the Company’s “biggest asset”. Aqualia held a commemorati- ve event in Badajoz to mark the company’s 25th anniversary as manager of the Municipal Water Service. To celebrate this “Silver Jubilee” the company has brought together, in the Crystal Palace of the Hotel Río in the city, the ser- vice workers and municipal repre- sentatives. Aqualia was represen- ted by Santiago Lafuente, Director of Spain; Carmen Rodríguez, Di- rector of People and Culture, and Francisco Blanco, Director of the Extremadura Office and Manager of the Badajoz service. Francisco Blanco, as master of ceremonies, presented the com- memorative video that summari- zes all the work that the company develops daily in the city to pro- vide the best service to the resi- dents of Badajoz. During the event, the current ma- yor, Francisco Javier Fragoso, boasted of having a leading water service in Spain, highlighting the efforts made over the years by both parties to achieve this. For his part, Santiago Lafuente, Aqua- lia’s director for Spain, reviewed B U S I N E S S 17 B U S I N E S S