We are FCC - Nº12

Pablo Colio, CEO of the FCC Group, visits the facilities of FCC Environmental Services in Florida (USA) In his trip to Florida, the CEO of the FCC Group, Pablo Colio, tou- red the machinery parks in Palm Beach, Lakeland and Orlando. During the tour, the CEO of the FCC Group, met with the execu- tive team, headed by the CEO of FCC Environmental Services, and the managers of the above-men- tioned cities: Hector Vega, head of the Orange County services; Rich Rex, the Workshop mana- ger; Charles Merkley, manager of the Florida Zone branch offi- ce; Carlos Díaz, manager of the Lakeland contract in Polk County; and, Gene Carroll, manager of the Central Florida branch office. During his visit, Pablo Colio was able to gain first-hand knowledge of the operation of the machinery parks, as well as the vehicles used to carry out the collection of urban solid waste, among which stand out trucks powered by na- tural gas engines, much more effi- cient, competitive, safe and with lower emissions than conventio- nal ones. These new technologies allow the company to carry out hi- gher quality work and, at the same time, contribute to the care of the environment. The CEO took the opportunity of his visit to congratulate the teams for the work done and conveyed his sincere congratulations for the awards achieved in recent years in the U.S. environment B U S I N E S S 14 B U S I N E S S