We are FCC - Nº12

Dallas Plant (Texas). Consistent sustainable growth , the key to FCC’s success in increasing its presence in the U.S. FCC is present in the United Sta- tes through FCC Environmental Services, where it provides gar- bage collection, recycling, solid urban waste treatment and indus- trial waste management services, among others. The company intends to be a re- levant player in the US, as it is already doing in other markets where it operates. In the United States, maintaining sustainable growth is the key to increasing its presence and serving more and more people. FCC is already one of the 30 largest companies in the sector in the U.S. It currently has contracts in Hous- ton, Dallas, Orlando, Palm Beach, Omaha and Lakeland, among others, with a population of over 8.5 million people. A total of 21 contracts have been awarded to FCC Environmental Services in the U.S. Omaha, Nebraska Recently, FCC won the Omaha waste collection contract in Ne- braska for a ten-year period, with a possible extension for another ten years. FCC will also provide seasonal selective pruning waste collection for 12 weeks of the year. The total volume awarded is 255 million dollars, which added to the possible extension could reach the figure of 560 million dollars. With 466,000 inhabitants, the city of Omaha is the largest in the state of Nebraska and one of the most important in the American Midwest. FCC will provide the ser- vice with a fleet of 69 trucks powe- red by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), with the important benefits of reducing environmental impact and carbon footprint in the city. With this award the total contracting of FCC in the United States, exten- sions included, already reaches the amount of 1.9 billion dollars. Waste water treatment plants in Houston In addition to this contract, the contract for managing all the waste at the Houston waste wa- ter treatment plants was renewed for another five years. The total backlog for this contract is 30.1 million U.S. dollars. FCC will deliver the service with a fleet of 22 trucks, 40 end-dump and 4 vacuum trailers, and will cover all the city’s waste water treatment plants, which serve 2.3 million inhabitants which generate approximately 100,000 tonnes of waste per year. This is the first renewal of the municipal contract awarded five years ago to FCC Environmental services, thus confirming the city’s trust in the quality of the service provided by the Company. environment B U S I N E S S 12 B U S I N E S S