Somos FCC - Nº11

FCC shows a clear commitment to the integration of peo- ple with disabilities in the workplace, as a key element for social integration and personal improvement. With the aim of promoting equal opportunities and eliminating all types of discrimination and harassment, the FCC Group and its business areas have undertaken a number of commit- ments in this area, which brings it even closer to eradica- ting any type of segregation. The attached video, presented by Fundación Once to the European Commission, describes the Inserta Program- me aimed at large companies that are committed to de- veloping projects that promote the employment of people with disabilities in their workforces. Ana Benita, Director of Human Resources at the FCC Group, took part in the event. She stressed that Fundación Once is a key element for companies that are committed to diversity, as it does an important job for people with disabilities in companies such as FCC. The European Union (EU) promotes the active inclusion and full participation of disabled people in society, in line with an approach that integrates disability in the context of human rights. Disability is not discretionary. It is a question of law. This principle is also the basis of the UN Conven- tion on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), to which the EU is a signatory. The European Commis- sion’s European Strategy on Disability 2010-2020, adop- ted in 2010, builds on the UNCRPD. The Group is supporting various projects and promoting social and labour inclusion through workshops, training courses and other actions such as awareness-raising campaigns. In addition, it has participated in programmes that promote the work of integrating functional diversity and improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. FCC supports the Once Foundation and the European Commission for the integration of diversity See Video F C C G R O U P 8 F C C G R O U P