Somos FCC - Nº11

H.M. King Felipe VI presided the event that was held in Casa de América, Madrid. Casa de América held a round table on the occasion of its 20 years of re- lations between the European Union and Latin America. The event was presided over by His Majesty King Philip VI and was held at Casa de América in Madrid. Pablo Colio, CEO of the FCC Group, was present on behalf of the FCC Group and as a member of the Foun- dation’s Board of Trustees. Following the opening of the meeting by Antonio Pérez-Hernández, Di- rector General of Casa de América, and Ramón Jáuregui, President of the Euroamérica Foundation, a round table was held under the title “1999- 2019: Evolution of relations between the EU and Latin America. Challen- ges for the future”, represented by the Ibero-American General Secre- tariat, Rebeca Grynspan; the former President of the Government, Felipe González; the Honorary President of the Foundation, Carlos Solchaga; the FCC attends the ceremony commemorating the del 20th anniversary of the Euroamérica FoundationEuroamérica Vice-President of the Euroamérica Foundation; and Enrique V. Iglesias, former Ibero-American General Se- cretary and Grynspan’s predecessor. After the viewing of a video showing the different activities held by the Euroamérica Foundation for twenty years, the closing ceremony took pla- ce with the interventions of Benita Fe- rrero-Waldner, Honorary President of the Euroamérica Foundation; the ac- ting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell; and also Ramón Jáuregui. It was then the turn of King Philip VI who, after congratulating the institu- tion on its anniversary, stressed that Spain has always aspired to make a substantial contribution to the rela- tionship between Europe and Ameri- ca and considered that the momen- tum of the Latin American community of nations is proof of this. Also present at the event were, among other authorities, ambas- About the Foundation The Euroamerica Foundation is a plural, independent and non-profit organisation whose main objecti- ve is to stimulate cooperation and understanding between European and Latin American institutions, companies and personalities, in order to foster relations between Europe and America, especially from the private sector. sadors, politicians, patrons of the Foundation, businessmen and members of relevant associations and institutions. The tribute ended with a cocktail, which was joined by all those atten- ding the event. 7