Somos FCC - Nº11

The government of the Czech Republic recognises Aqualia’s role , through its subsidiary SmVaK, in the development of the Central European country NewSmVaK contracts in the Czech Republic Aqualia in favour of responsible water consumption Extinguishing tasks of the first big summer fire in Catalonia The Incover project , led by Aqualia, transforms Almeria’s urban effluent into water suitable for irrigation One year of operation at the Djerba desalination plant (Tunisia) Large deployment in Navarre to collaborate in the recovery of public services after the floods Aqualia has been recognised by the Czech government as one of the key players in Spanish investment in this Central European country at an event held at the Czech embassy in Madrid. At the Top Spanish Investor event, the Czech ambassador in Spain, Ivan Jančárek, presented awards to the eleven leading Spanish compa- nies with investments in the Czech Re- public. Aqualia was the only company in the municipal services sector among the award-winning companies. Under the hashtag #contralaesca- sezhídrica, Aqualia has launched an awareness campaign for the rational and sustainable use of water. La Guar- dia (Jaén), Ibiza or Formentera (Balea- ric Islands), Ávila, Candeleda (Ávila), Lleida, Torderà (Barcelona) and La Bisbal del Penedès (Tarragona) are some of the municipalities that have joined the campaign that aims to promote responsible consumption of tap water among citizens. The campaign has had special repercus- sions on Twitter and Youtube, where the video “13 ways to take care of water like you’ve never been told” stands out. Aqualia, through its subsidiary SmVaK, was awarded a 5-year contract for managing the end-to-end water cycle of the industrial zone of Mošnov, in the northern part of the Czech re- gion of Moravia-Silesia. SmVaK also won the concession for the sewage network in the Czech town of Písečná, in the Beskydy mountainous region, close to the border with Poland thereby strengthening its presen- ce in the area. One of the first fires of the summer originated in the provin- ce of Tarragona, devastating more than 6,500 hectares. In this area, Aqualia actively collaborated with the Garrigues Sud Irrigation Community in putting out the fires, thus ma- king it possible for most of the irrigation installations located in this area to be safe from the flames. One of the main actions was the installation of 50 hydrants to complement the existing ones in the area that were not enough to cope with the situation. In addition, a coordination and communi- cation system was set up with firefighters and agents to put out the flames by which, via WhatsApp, the exact location of each of the new hydrants was sent to them in real time. Almeria has hosted the third and last international working meeting (Innova- tion Workshop III) of the Incover project, which has been developed over the last three years at the El Toyo treatment plant in Almeria’s capital. The objective of the project, which has also been monitored in Barcelona, Chi- clana (Cádiz) and Leipzig (Germany), was based on trans- forming wastewater from urban agglomerations into an energy source (biomethane) and valuable products such as bioplastics and biofertilizers. Aqualia has just successfully completed the first year of operation and maintenance of the Tunisian desalination plant in Djerba. The ins- tallation, which provides 50,000 m 3 of drinking water to the largest island in North Africa, gua- rantees water supply in this touristic region and represents key element in the economic, social and environmental development of this territory. Aqualia has done its best to minimise the damage caused by flash floods and has dedicated all kinds of resources, both human and technical, reviewing the installations and focusing efforts on recovering normality beyond its contractual obligations with the Mairaga Community, where we pro- vide services to nearly 20,000 users and a total popula- tion of almost 32,000 inhabitants. B R I E F - W A T E R 56 WATER B R I E F