Somos FCC - Nº11

FCC awarded contract in Omaha, Nebraska (U.S.) Waste management and street cleansing contract in Jerez (Cádiz) FCC Medio Ambiente awarded at the ONCEAragón 2019 Solidarity Awards FCC Medio Ambiente wins contract in Volusia County , Florida (U.S.) Protagonists in the first edition of the Smart HSE Linkup for Occupational Health and Safety professionals Implementation of an application for the cleaning service of the city of Jaén FCC Environmental Services was awarded the contract for solid waste collection services of the city for the next ten years, with a possible extension of another ten years. FCC will also provi- de the seasonal selective collection of yard waste for 12 weeks per year. The total volume awarded is of $255 million, which, together with the possible exten- sion, could reach $560 million. Jerez City Council awarded a joint venture led by FCC Medio Ambiente, which is part of the FCC Equal Special Employment Centre (CEE), the new solid urban waste collection and street cleaning contract for a term of nine years with a possible one-year exten- sion. The total portfolio of the contract amounts to more than 186 million euro. FCC Medio Ambiente’s Ara- gon-La Rioja branch of FCC Medio Ambiente has been awarded the ONCE Aragón 2019 Solidarity Awards in the company category for its con- cern about the real inclusion of disabled workers in its workforce and in the work envi- ronment that surrounds them. The Volusia County Council Members approved unani- mously the award for solid waste collection services to FCC Environmental Services, the American affiliate of FCC‘s environmental division. The total term of the contract is 7.5 years with a possible additional 7-year extension. The to- tal backlog awarded is $87 million, which would potentially reach $170 million with the extension. With a fleet of 42 CNG vehicles, FCC will start the solid waste collection ser- vices in Volusia County in April 2020. FCC Medio Ambiente attended the first edition of the Smar- tHSE LinkUp organised by the Nalanda Community to talk about how innovation, leadership and future legislation will help to bring occupational health and safety professionals even closer to success in their work. FCC was represented by Delfina García, head of the Environmental Health and Welfare Department, who took part in a round table discus- sion with the main companies in the sector to discuss the concept of a Healthy Company that has been successfully implemented in the company. Jaén City Council has launched a citizen collaboration application, developed by FCC Medio Ambiente, to report incidents in the city’s cleaning service. The new app is su- pported by VISION, an intelligent digital platform designed by FCC for comprehensive management of municipal ser- vices, enabling it to respond to the needs of all the agents involved in providing these services: city council, company and residents. B R I E F - E N V I R O N M E N T 54 ENVIRONMENT B R I E F