Somos FCC - Nº11

C O M U N I C A T I O N 53 C O M U N I C A T I O N Today, security must be immersed and vi- sible in the supply chain, i.e. in the develo- pment cycle, in the workforce, in the wor- kforce and in the proliferation of points of contact with customers. As the company evolves, there are nume- rous changes that must be taken into ac- count, including its security position since it is one of the most fragile structures and is in constant threat. It is necessary to know the degree of maturi- ty and effectiveness of organizations in ma- naging cyberthreats and identify areas for improvement, as well as test systems and know the response of the human team in a realistic scenario and assess how a cybe- rattack would impact on ICT infrastructures. Recently, the National Security Council approved the National Cybersecurity Strate- gy 2019, which reflects Spain's position on a new conception of cybersecurity within the framework of the National Security Policy and meets the general objectives in order to guarantee the safe and reliable use of cyberspace, protecting the rights and free- doms of citizens and promoting socio-eco- nomic progress, the objective of cyberse- curity and the lines of action established to achieve it. Strategy is structured in five chapters According to information contained in the Official State Gazette, the Strategy is struc- tured in five chapters. In the first chapter, the opportunities and challenges of cybers- pace and digital infrastructure are presen- ted, the inherently international nature of the approach to cybersecurity is exposed and the main features of the new conception of cybersecurity in Spain are described. in the spotlight of companies Chapter two examines the main threats and challenges facing Spain in cyberspace. Section three sets out the objectives and principles governing the Strategy (unity of action, anticipation, efficiency and resilien- ce). Chapter four sets out the lines of action aimed at achieving the objectives in order to strengthen capacities in the face of threats, guarantee security and resilience, ensure the full implementation of the National Se- curity Scheme, the Critical Infrastructure Protection System, and compliance with and harmonisation of regulations on the protec- tion of critical infrastructures and essential services; and develop the State General Administration's Cybersecurity Operations Centre to improve prevention, detection and response capabilities, and promote the development of cybersecurity operations centres at regional and local level, among others. Finally, chapter five integrates cybersecuri- ty into the current National Security System along with the National Security Council; the Situation Committee, the only one for the entire National Security System in crisis situations; the National Cybersecurity Coun- cil; the Permanent Cybersecurity Commis- sion; the National Cybersecurity Forum; the competent public authorities and the natio- nal CSIRTs.