Somos FCC - Nº11

We present the new FCC Medio Ambiente website. After laborious study and development work, the environmental services area deplo- ys this virtual space to make known through its pages the solutions that FCC Medio Ambiente offers to ci- ties in order to be more sustaina- ble, efficient and socially respon- sible, in short, to make them more intelligent. From now on you can access this new virtual space open to dialogue It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to the new website of FCC Medio Ambiente, the environmental services area of the FCC Group, which is also a world reference in water management and infrastructures. Dialogue and transparency with our stakeholders is vi- tal for us. That is why we are continually undergoing a process of digital transformation, improving and re- newing our channels in order to provide visitors with all the latest information on the company. For more than 100 years we have been making cities cleaner and more sustainable, serving citizens as ex- perts in all aspects that improve their quality of life in the municipal sphere: waste collection, integral mana- gement and recycling; street cleaning, integral energy management or facility management, among others. We hope that through these pages you can get to know in detail the solutions we offer to cities to be more sus- tainable, efficient and socially responsible, in short, to make them more intelligent. We are a company with a firm commitment to achie- ving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDS) of the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations and the transfor- mation of our society to a circular economy model. We are committed to innovation as the lever of change to achieve these objectives, not only in technological as- pects, through the implementation of e-mobility in ur- ban service vehicles, energy efficiency and the use of alternative energies, or the improvement in the recy- cling of resources; but also in the human aspects of smart services (SHES or Smart Human Environmental Services). As an example, we develop intense work for the social and labour inclusion of vulnerable groups with special insertion difficulties, we have values that are reflected in a Code of Ethics and Conduct, and we have established internal policies that actively prevent discrimination for reasons of diversity or gender or si- tuations of harassment. We also foster a healthy work and family environment for the people on our team, who constitute the true wealth and most important as- set through which we will continue to be the global lea- der in city services. Best regards, Pablo Colio Abril The CEO welcomes the new website FCC Medio Ambiente launches new website and designed with users in mind. With a more modern and dynamic design than the previous one, this new website makes browsing more agile and intuitive, by audiences and activities, with an accent on in- teractivity. In our Group we are committed to responsible behaviour, based on proximity to our employees, share- holders, customers, suppliers and society in general. This requires a great commitment to communica- tion and this new website is the ex- pression of that commitment. The new website is available in Spanish and English and is adap- ted to all devices: PC, mobile and tablet. From here we invite you to browse it in . 5