Somos FCC - Nº11

water It acquires the French company, Services Publics et Industries Environnement (SPIE) Aqualia, the water management company owned by FCC (51% share) and the Australian ethical fund IFM Investors (49% share), recently acquired 100% of the French company “Services Pu- blics and Industries Environment” (SPIE) to the French Holding SPI. Aqualia had already shown its interest in the French market for some time now, the largest in Eu- rope where models of public and private management coexist. It is a dynamic market requiring major investments and technological ca- pabilities. In this regard, Guillermo Moya, Aqualia’s Europe Regional Director, highlights the experience of the company “in the manage- ment of public water services, es- pecially in medium-sized cities, an activity that requires proximity to customers as well as a high level of specialisation and efficiency”. SPIE is an independent me- dium-sized company that brings 120 years of experience in public water service management, ser- ving some 140,000 citizens throu- gh 8 supply management con- tracts and 2 sanitation contracts in the Île de France region. Recently, the French subsidiary Services Publics et Industries Environment (SPIE) won two new contracts in Ile-de-France. The urban community Grand Paris Seine et Oise (GPS&O) has awarded SEFO, a subsi- diary of SPIE, sanitation servi- ces in 20 municipalities in the west of the region, with the ope- Two new contracts in France to provide services in 32 municipalities in Île-de-France La compra de la sociedad supone la entrada de Aqualia en el mercado francés de la gestión del agua ration and maintenance of 30 pumping stations. In addition, SPIE’s second sub- sidiary, CEG, was awarded a framework contract to carry out the renewal of the water supply network for the Nord Ecouen Intercommunal Drinking Water Supply Syndicate (SIAEP). The four-year contract stipulates a production of close to five million euros. From an operational and commercial point of view, this contract is of great importance as it considerably expands the scope of CEG’s activities, with twelve municipalities in the can- ton of Goussainville. The incorporation of Aqualia to SPIE shareholders will provide technical expertise and additional financial capacity, complementing the successful public services management project, based on proximity and excellence that the French company has been deve- loping. As party of its activities in this re- gion, the company produces 10 million cubic metres of water per year for human consumption and manages 5 million cubic metres of wastewater as part of its activity in this region. In addition, SPIE ma- nages 700 kilometres of distribu- tion networks, 32 water tanks and 70 pumping stations, as well as another 200 kilometres of sanita- tion networks. . Aqualia strengthens its leadership in water management Guillermo Moya, Europe Area Manager, and François Bougaret, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPIE. B U S I N E S S 16 B U S I N E S S