Somos FCC - Nº11

environment ficit, whilst maintaining the current employment at Greengairs, as well as creating hundreds of new construction jobs and long-term high-quality employment opportu- nities throughout its lifetime. 300,000 tonnes of waste Central to this master plan will be the construction of an energy from waste facility, the Drumgray Ener- gy Recovery Centre (DERC) that will receive pre-treated residual, non-recyclable, non-hazardous waste otherwise destined for lan- State-of-the-art technology projects dfill. FCC will use proven ener- gy-from-waste technology, which will thermally treat the waste to ge- nerate electricity and heat. The faci- lity will accept up to 300,000 tonnes of residual household and business waste per year, enough to export around 25.5MW of electricity and the potential to supply heat to local homes and businesses. In accordance with current legis- lation, an extensive information and consultation program for the population has been launched, so that the communities in the area can participate and be involved in the development of the plan. In the United Kingdom, FCC Medio Ambiente recently en- tered into an agreement with the Danish fund Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) to develop in Lostock one of the largest energy from waste recovery facility in Europe, with a capacity of 600,000 tonnes per year. The Company was recently awarded a waste collection and street cleaning contract in Northamptonshire representing a portfolio of 20 million euros. Major contracts awarded B U S I N E S S 15 B U S I N E S S