Somos FCC - Nº11

It will treat 135,000 tonnes of household waste and another 20,000 tonnes of commercial waste each year. and has been receiving waste for commissioning purposes since October 2018. to Scotland environment doned and which has now been recovered for economic activity. It will treat about 135,000 tonnes of household waste and another 20,000 tonnes of commercial waste annually, and will genera- te enough electricity to meet the energy demands of about 32,000 households. District heating pro- posals are also being developed to maximise the energy efficiency of the facility. An adjacent facility, designed for handling organic waste, is alre- ady in operations. This facility and the Millerhill ERRC will treat food as well as non-recyclable waste, creating renewable ener- gy in this process and will help the Edinburgh and Midlothian councils to meet the national 70% recycling objective before 2025 and the national goal of diverting 95% of waste that ends up in lan- dfill sites. B U S I N E S S 13 B U S I N E S S