Somos FCC - Nº11

It will generate enough electricity to meet the energy demands of nearly 32,000 households. Construction of the new state-of-the-art recovery facility began in 201 The Millerhill Energy Recycling and Recovery Centre starts operations FCC’s strong commitmen The project involved an investment of 142 million sterling pounds. environment FCC Environment, the British subsidiary of FCC Medio Ambiente, owns and manages six energy from waste facilities throughout the United Kingdom. In the past few months, the Company has commissioned the Energy Recycling and Recovery CentreinMillerhill,Scotland, near Edinburgh and won a contract to develop an energy from waste facility in Drumgray. The Millerhill Energy Recycling and Recovery Centre (ERRC) in Midlothian, near Edinburgh, UK, developed by FCC Environment, is now fully operational ahead of schedule. Construction of the new waste energy recovery plant, featuring state-of-the-art technology, and providing services to Edinburgh and Midlothian, began in Oc- tober 2016 and since October 2018, has been receiving waste for commissioning purposes. In December of the same year, the turbine was synchronized and energy was exported to the grid for the first time. 142 million sterling pounds The Millerhill ERRC involved an investment of 142 million sterling pounds and was developed by FCC Environment jointly with the Edinburgh and Midlothian coun- cils through a contract executed in October 2016 for building and managing the plant for a period of 25 years. The facility has been built on a site of industrial land originally aban- B U S I N E S S 12 B U S I N E S S