Somos FCC - Nº11

I Edition Children´s Drawing Competition B ack to the future, you can change the world. Every little detail counts. We know you have great ideas. Draw us the world you dream and let us make it happen together. You can participate in our contest if you are between 3 and 11 years old and one of your family members works for FCC by sending your drawing before 31 October to Please scan the template with the highest possible quality so that we can appreciate your work well. We know it will be great. Help us imagine a dream world. Because dreams come true. You can upload your drawing to Instagram and share it with your all of your friends. The drawing with the most likes will receive a prize. Follow @fcc_group in Instagram, upload a photo with your drawing (only your drawing, without the data column), tag @fcc_group to the image and add the following hashtag #regresalfuturo #fccgroup #ods. Bicycles Drawing sets Gift cards