We are FCC - Nº10

FCC’s Legal Services held its third professional meeting to give a cu- rrent view of the Group, the business areas and the tasks of the Legal Ser- vices and their organisation. The conference was opened by the CEO of the FCC Group, Pablo Colio, who welcomed all those attending and stressed that FCC has a team of top-level lawyers and that they are a necessary instrument for identifying, assessing, mitigating and managing the legal risk of the company and its businesses. During his speech, Colio encouraged them to continue encouraging collaboration between business areas, to create synergies, to become increasingly efficient and to continue working with dedication and enthusiasm. Felipe B. García, FCC’s secretary general, and José Cerro, the FCC Group’s general manager for legal advice, thanked the entire team for attending the meeting and made a brief speech on the importance of legal services in the business world, emphasising the need to be at the side of businesses, supporting them and giving them all the necessary The FCC Group’s Legal Services team visited Wanda Metropolitano. 9