We are FCC - Nº10

The Reina Sofía Foundation has pre- sented the short film Lemon at the Teatro Real in Madrid, made with the aim of raising awareness of the pro- blem of plastics in nature. The event was presided over by Her Majesty Queen Sofia. The meeting was attended by FCC Chairman Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, her mother Esther Koplowitz and her sister Alicia Alcocer Koplowitz, chair- man of Cementos Portland Valderri- vas, were also present at this impor- tant initiative and commitment to the environment. For its part, FCC Medio Ambiente attended the premiere of the short The FCC Group supports the Reina Sofía Foundation on the need to take care of our oceans film from its commitment to the en- vironment and the need to take care of our oceans. This short film stars a turtle, a seagull and the waste, in a metaphor of how the waste genera- ted by human beings interferes with the course of nature. Base on the current trend of con- sumption and pollution, forecasts put 2050 as the time when there will be more plastics than fish in the oceans. Faced with this evidence, the Queen Sofia Foundation continues its work focused on the environment and on the UN’s Sustainable Development Objectives on underwater life and life in terrestrial ecosystems. At FCC Medio Ambiente we are com- mitted to the rational use of plastics in our society and we have been wor- king for more than 100 years to crea- te a more sustainable world. At the proposal of the general ma- nager of administration and finance, following approval by the CNR, Ana Benita Aramendia, was appointed di- rector of human resources at the FCC Group, with the aim of strengthening the human resources function. The main mission of the job will be to align, transmit and coordinate the Ana Benita Aramendia , Human Resources Director at the FCCGroup in ESADE’s Executive Programme for Women in Senior Management (2015). She is also a professor of la- bour law at the Instituto de Empresa and a member of the Board of Direc- tors of FREMAP on behalf of FCC. FCC Group’s human resources po- licies with the strategy of each bu- siness area, both nationally and in- ternationally, including recruitment, training, compensation, development and talent, personnel administration, legal-labour consultancy, labour rela- tions, health and safety, labour com- pliance and HR analytics. Ana was an associate at the Garri- gues law firm. In 2009 she joined Ibe- ria Airlines as the Human Resources Director at the Airport Services De- partment. She has been part of the FCC Group since January 2014. Ana holds a degree in Law and Bu- siness Consultancy from the Univer- sidad Pontifica Comillas ICAI-ICADE (2000), an Executive Master in Hu- man Resources and has participated APPOINTMENT 7