We are FCC - Nº10

New European Deep Purple circular economy project to generate bioproducts from wastewater treatment plant water Two new contracts at Tenerife airports Communication and advances in circular economy focus Aqualia’s participation in the 25th AEAS Congress Partnership agreement with UNHCR in favour of refugees AquELAN®, a new patent to convert wastewater treatment plants into energy factories Guarantees of the quality of drinking water in the province of Salamanca Aqualia is leading a new innovation project that contemplates the formulation of five new bioproducts using purple bacteria for the recovery of wastewater resources and so- lid urban waste. These bioproducts can be used commercially. The project is driven by a consortium of 14 entities from six different countries through its specific public-private joint venture, Joint Undertaking BioBased Industries. It has a European subsidy of almost 8 million euros from the European Union’s H2020 programme. AENA has chosen Aqualia as the winner of two new con- tracts at Tenerife airports (North and South), which rein- force the commercial relationship with the world’s leading airport operator in terms of the number of passengers. The first consists of improving the supply network of the aerodrome of Tenerife Sur, where the company already provides the maintenance service of facilities and in the airport Tenerife Norte the company will provide mainte- nance services and water quality control of all facilities. The 25th edition of the AEAS Congress brought together the main players in the water industry for three days at the Valencia Conference Centre. Aqualia was present at the event with the participation of various representatives in the scheduled lectures and workshops, as well as in the exhibition area with a stand through which different perso- nalities passed. Aqualia and the associa- tion Spain with UNHCR have signed a collabora- tion agreement to carry out a solidarity campaign to raise awareness in favour of refugees and displaced persons and thus improve their living conditions. After two years of experimentation at the Valdebebas (Madrid) and Guillarei (Pontevedra) wastewater treatment plants, Aqualia successfully closes the Pioneer-STP pro- ject, which tackles the challenges of sustainable wastewa- ter treatment and aims to transform the treatment plants into energy factories. The project, developed by the com- pany in its role as industrial partner, has been led by the University of Santiago de Compostela and has had the su- pport of the Technical University of Denmark (Denmark), the University of Verona (Italy) and the Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden). Aqualia will control water quality in the province of Salaman- ca after executing a contract with the Provincial Council for the Quality Control of Water for Human Consumption, muni- cipal supplies and local entities. The agreement, which will benefit the 376 municipalities in the province, will last for three years, with the possibility of a one-year extension. B R I E F - W A T E R 60 WATER B R I E F