We are FCC - Nº10

World Waste to Energy and Resources Summit in London Start-up of the new animal protection centre in Jaén The first company in the sector in Aragon to join the Red Aragonesa de Empresas Saludables Waste disposal: just like an online purchase FCC participates in the environmental awareness campaign in the municipality of Tuineje, Las Palmas de Gran Canarias Polish delegation visits FCCMedio Ambiente facilities in Madrid FCC Environment will develop an Energy fromWaste Facility in Drumgray (Scotland) The Recycling and Energy Recovery Centre in Millerhill, near Edinburgh, starts operations 8th edition of the “Vehicular gas, latest developments in gas propulsion for the automotive industry” Forum FCC Medio Ambiente, for yet another year, participates in World Waste to Energy and Resources Summit in Lon- don. This event brings together the main stakeholders in the waste to ener- gy sector throughout the world. FCC Medio Ambiente has carried out a complete refurbishment of the old municipal animal protection centre in Jaén. With an investment of 175,000 euros, the kennel has a built area of approximately 500 m² and outdoor dog parks of almost 200 m². Tuineje City Council has launched the environmental awareness campaign “Mejorando contigo. Tuineje en el Cora- zón” (Improving with you. Tuineje in our Hearts), an initiative that aims to make citizens aware of the importance of kee- ping the municipality clean. FCC Bulgaria has extended the order process for the disposal of construction waste for all its cus- tomers in Sofia, Bulgaria. It has launched a new website otpadacite.bg and a new App “Otpadaci- te” for smartphones where they can easily order containers for construction waste to make waste disposal easier and more convenient for custo- mers. A delegation of twenty-five people made up of technical staff from the Polish Ministry of the Environment, the Poli- sh Environmental Protection Agency and managers of su- pra-municipal associations known as “wojewódzki” visited FCC Medio Ambiente’s fleet of solid urban waste collection vehicles on Resina Street in Madrid and the anaerobic di- gestion plant in Las Dehesas, managed by the company and located in the Valdemingómez environmental complex. FCC Environment, one of the country’s leading waste and resource management companies, has presented a new master plan for the sustainable, long-term future of its Gre- engairs landfill site, in North Lanarkshire, which is a direct response to the “zero waste” strategy of the Scottish Go- vernment. The project, worth 350 million pounds sterling, includes a state-of-the-art energy from waste facility capa- ble of producing electricity and heat. The new energy from waste plant, which will serve the City of Edinburgh and Midlothian, commenced cons- truction in October 2016 and has been receiving residual waste since October 2018. In December of the same year, the tur- bine was synchronised and energy from the grid was exported for the first time. FCC was represented by the director of the Machinery Department, Antonio Bra- vo, who went over the company’s long history of using Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) as fuel, with several developments of his own, many of which are exclusive. B R I E F - E N V I R O N M E N T 58 ENVIRONMENT B R I E F