We are FCC - Nº10

The aqualiaeduca.com website was a finalist in the second edition of the DIRCOM 2019 Awards in the cate- gory "Multimedia & Digital External Digital Support". Aqualia has been the only brand in the water mana- gement sector recognised in this edition of the Ramón del Corral awards given by the communication directors of more than one thousand Spanish companies. This multime- dia piece will compete in May for the Fundacom awards that recognize good practices in communication of companies and institutions in Latin American countries. www.aqualiaeduca.com is possibly the best educational website in the water sector, a source of useful in- formation for schools and teachers but, above all, for children with the aim of raising awareness of the need to take care of the planet's water. In the first year of its launch, excellent data has been recorded: 9,000 ses- The aqualiaeduca.com website on the podium of the DIRCOM 2019 Awards sions, which means some 600 acti- ve users each month and a total of nearly 400 hours of online training. The company offers on this website the possibility of educating in a di- fferent way in the good use of water, taking advantage of the opportuni- ties offered by new technologies. The aqualiaeduca.com website was a finalist in the second edition of the DIRCOM 2019 Awards in the category "Multimedia & Digital External Digital Support". C O M U N I C A T I O N 52 C O M U N I C A T I O N