We are FCC - Nº10

How was "Aqualia contact" born? From the very birth of Aqualia, cus- tomer service has been one of the basic pillars of the company. We have always been very concerned with improving the user experien- ce, facilitating access to information and interaction between the consu- mer and the company, and taking advantage of the opportunities offe- red by new technologies for two- way communication in real time. In this sense, in 2016 Aqualia laun- ched Smart Aqua, the mobile appli- cation to offer all our customers an Omni-channel experience in their relations with the company. The App was added to the existing channels: the face-to-face office, the online office and our own call centre. This year we made the leap into social networks with the launch of a custo- mer service account on Twitter and a new service integrated into Aqua- lia's new CRM 360º which offers users relevant information in real time via SMS. Thus, under the umbrella "Aqua- lia contact", the company provides customers with a large team of pro- fessionals and all the necessary channels so that their experience of direct contact with the company is the best and most complete. What distinguishes Aqualia’s CRM 360º project? Aqualia's new 360º Customer Rela- tionship Management (CRM) inte- grates all the company's customer service channels, so that they all interrelate in real time and offer the customer a multi-channel experien- ce in their relations with the com- pany. We offer them the channels so that it is the client who chooses according to their tastes and needs. In addition to improving and upgra- ding the integrated channels, the CRM 360º incorporates an impor- tant new feature in the Geographic Information System, AqualiaGIS. The new system allows the client to be notified via SMS and in real time of any relevant information related to their contract. Mainly this evolu- tion has been developed to instantly communicate any notice or incident that may occur on the network. Salamanca and Ávila were the first to integrate the SMS alert system and it will be introduced progressi- vely in the rest of the services ma- naged by the company. The aim is to guarantee multi-channels for all Aqualia customers during 2019. How was the immersion of custo- mer service on Twitter? Aqualia has been present on Twitter through the corporate account (@ aqualia) since 2014. To this account we received, via tweets and/or di- rect messages, certain requests that also demanded attention throu- gh this channel. As soon as we de- tected it, we started to monitor and listen to Aqualia on social networks, which took us nearly two years. In the last few months we have for- med an ad hoc team for attention on Twitter. In addition, we have es- tablished precise protocols for the management of this new Aqualia customer service account on Twitter (@aqualiacontact). A single account for all Aqualia users. The immersion of Aqualia's custo- mer service on Twitter is implicit in our customer management philoso- phy: we encourage our users to use the most advanced technology, with guarantees of security and confi- dentiality, optimising processes and reducing economic and environ- mental costs. I N T E R V I E W Miguel Perea Director of Customer Management at Aqualia and coordinator of the "Aqualia contact" Omnichannel Customer Service project. C O M U N I C A T I O N 51 C O M U N I C A T I O N