We are FCC - Nº10

In 2018 a further step was taken. All communication channels, on- line, telephone, mobile device, web, social networks... are in- tegrated under the same name, Aqualia contact and are interre- lated in real time. Under the um- brella of Aqualia contact, all the necessary channels are made available to customers so that their contact with the company is the best and most complete. Through multi-channel service improvement, reduction of res- ponse times, greater closeness to the user, increased trust, and agility in resolving incidents are achieved. Customers, never- theless, are free to choose the channel that best suits their time and needs. Aqualia contacts delivers integration Smart aqua is one of the most complete apps on the market, as it allows direct communication of inci- dents or breakdowns by including a geolocation system for the user and the sending of up to 2 photographs. This system provides a lot of value to be able to act more quickly in the resolution of any incident. In ad- dition, Smart aqua is a fast way to carry out the rest of the procedures and processes related to the water contract itself: data modification, consultation of consumption, sen- ding of auto-readings with photogra- phs, payment of invoices, consulta- tions and requests. Everything, in a totally safe way and at any time. The new application does not repla- ce the other channels made avai- lable to customers. The company thus offers a comprehensive mul- ti-channel service that responds to all citizens' needs. Face-to-face, te- lephone and internet channels are available so that they can choose the method they prefer to communicate and provide a solution to their needs. Aqualia's online and telephone channels are certified according to the UNE-ISO 27001 standard for Information Security Management Systems, complying with the objec- tives established by law and ensu- ring the commitment to the security of customer data, as well as integri- ty, availability and confidentiality. Within this wide range of services, in the last few months Aqualia has formed a team specialised in custo- mer service through the Twitter @ aqualiacontact profile. A single ac- count for all Aqualia audiences. It is a way of responding to current re- quirements and to society's growing use of social networks. Through this new channel, available during offi- ces in Portugal-. All the websites are certified by Aenor in accordance with UNE 139803 Level AA, which guarantees compliance with current accessibility requirements. For all these reasons, the virtual office is a simple, secure, agile and confiden- tial alternative for carrying out pro- cedures. In 2017 the App Smart aqua arrives. This application brings the mana- gement of the complete water cycle closer to the mobile phone, through which all the management related to the water contract can be carried out. This opens up a direct chan- nel for communicating notifications, campaigns, as well as other specific content that may be of interest to the customer. Under the umbrella of Aqualia contact, all of the necessary channels for contacting the company in the best and most complete fashion are made available to the customers. ce hours, processes are optimised and economic and environmental costs are reduced, as management is once again just a click away from our computer, tablet or smartphone. C O M U N I C A T I O N 50 C O M U N I C A T I O N