We are FCC - Nº10

FCC shareholders at the General Meeting approved all agenda items, which included distribution of a scrip dividend. FCC will pay €0.40 per share to shareholders wishing to re- ceive the scrip dividend in cash or an equivalent amount of free shares of the company. This is the first time FCC Group is offering this kind of flexible dividend. With the scrip divi- dend, FCC is resuming the payment of dividends, which had been sus- pended since 2013. FCC also reviewed its earnings performance in 2018 at the Gene- ral Meeting. The company reported net attributable profit for the year of €251.6 million, up 113.2% from the year earlier, driven mainly by the good performance of operating acti- vities, the reduction in finance costs and the larger contribution from in- vestees and associates. EBITDA rose by 5.6% year-on-year and revenue by 3.2%, to €5,989.8 million, thanks mostly to the per- formances by the Environment and Water areas. Presiding the meeting were FCC Chairman, Esther Alcocer Ko- plowitz, and the company’s CEO, Pablo Colio Abril. They took advan- tage of this important event to thank the Board of Directors, the manage- ment team, and all FCC employees for their hard work during 2018, no- ting that their dedication contributed to FCC’s sound earnings, and to the growth and development of the company. FCC shareholders at the General Meeting approve the distribution of a scrip dividend, the first since dividends were suspended in 2013 Pablo Colio, CEO of the FCC Group during his speech at the Annual General Meeting. In her speech, Esther Alcocer told shareholders that the results obtai- ned last year marked the company’s return to profit after the in-depth overhaul carried out under the sha- reholder leadership and manage- ment of engineer Carlos Slim. Mo- reover, a proposal was submitted to the General Meeting for distribution of a scrip dividend, the “first since we suspended dividend payments in 2013. This is good news for share- holders”. CEO Pablo Colio went over the num- bers for 2018 and the FCC Group’s financial situation, and discussed some of the year’s key highlights. The company’s top executive told shareholders that FCC has streng- thened its commitment to growth, in a new economic cycle, by executing major investments after carrying out disposals in recent years. Concen- tration on the more profitable and higher add-value businesses, the synergies achieved across FCC’s various businesses and the measu- 5