We are FCC - Nº10

The idea is to offer society, the customer, what they expect and what they want and what will contribute to earning their trust by having an impact on the quality of the service offered. The implementation of @aqualiacontact, a unique twitter account for all of Aqualia’s public. management companies cannot live outside this reality and must adapt their service to new needs but wi- thout forgetting the peculiarities of each client. The real value of technologies in a service company lies in facilita- ting the customer's day-to-day life, optimising their management and creating transparent communication channels. Providing service, beyond com- plete cycle management Aqualia takes care of each and every facet of the complete water cycle, including, of course, customer sa- tisfaction with the service. This has been the case at Aqualia since its inception as a brand and company. Even then, the citizen becomes the undisputed axis of management. As a pioneer in the Spanish market, Aqualia defines a new strategy, ba- sed on customer service orientation and two key concepts: quality and closeness of service. The company refocuses and redefines the traditio- nal role of companies in the sector, in an evolution from a mere con- cessionaire to a service company, within the framework of modern utilities. The aim is to offer society, the customer, what they expect and which will allow them to gain their trust by influencing the quality of the service offered. In accordance with this philosophy, Aqualia has evolved over the years in its customer service, implemen- ting the necessary infrastructures and technologies to offer an agile and efficient service. A comprehensive multi-channel service A fundamental objective within this process is the expansion of commu- nication channels with the customer. In this sense, Aqualia has been deve- loping new channels in recent years, along a path that leads to providing an integral multi-channel service that responds to all citizens' needs. The process began in 2004 with the launch of the Customer Service Centre (CAC). With it, the company offers a complementary customer service to that of the commercial offices, which allows a good num- ber of administrative formalities to be carried out, including even obtai- ning real-time information on spe- cific incidents on the network. This telephone service allows the user to carry out formalities and resolve any type of incident without the need to go to the offices. The telephone service is offered in six languages (Spanish, Galician, Catalan, Engli- sh, German and French) and is avai- lable 24 hours a day throughout the year. In 2018 this service handled more than 747,404 calls. In order to measure their level of satisfaction, 224,953 customers have been sur- veyed, users of Aqualia Contact, of whom 169,100 rated the service as excellent; 31,914 as very good, and 15,421 as good, reaching a positive satisfaction index of 96.21%. AqualiaOnline, Aqualia's virtual offi- ce, was created in 2009, where citi- zens can carry out all the procedu- res 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Access is via the local websites that Aqualia maintains in the towns whe- re it is responsible for managing the Municipal Water Service. Currently, 33 websites are active -including the three that correspond to servi- ces in Portugal-. All the websites are certified by Aenor in accordance C O M U N I C A T I O N 49 C O M U N I C A T I O N