We are FCC - Nº10

360º service Aqualia offers a comprehensive multi-channel service that responds to all the needs of its users in a close and personalised manner. In Spain, Internet users have increa- sed by four million to reach 93% of the population. In addition, almost 60% of citizens use social networ- ks per month, almost 4% more than the previous year. 96% of citizens have a mobile phone and 87% of them are smartphones. Spaniards are also hooked on mobile phones, since more than 54 million people (equivalent to 117% of the total po- pulation) have a mobile line. In addi- tion, in Spain we are 5 hours and 18 minutes a day connected to the In- ternet through any device. We dedi- cate 1 hour and 39 minutes to social networks, while we spend almost 3 hours in front of the TV, whether traditional, streaming or a la carte. Music is the least time consuming, as we only spend 42 minutes a day listening to it in streaming. All these data from Digital 2019 are a sample of the importance of new technologies for the citizen. Water C O M U N I C A T I O N 48 C O M U N I C A T I O N