We are FCC - Nº10

meet their sustainability goals by training kids and adults on the best practices for recycling. FCC in the U.S. FCC is operating in the United Sta- tes through FCC Environmental Ser- vices, the Group’s Environmental Services subsidiary in that country, which performs activities of waste collection, recycling and treatment of urban solid waste, industrial was- te management and remediation of soils, among others. FCC has signed ten contracts in Texas and three in Florida in the last few years, totalling more than 1.1 billion dollar, and is currently provi- ding services for more than 8 million Americans. In recent years, the environmental services area of the FCC Group has achieved important awards in the international arena. It is notewor- thy the contract for the construction and management of the Materials Recycling Plant (MRF) of Dallas, at McCommas Bluff, which operates at full capacity and has been selected by the National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) as the Best Recycling Facility in North America. On March 2019 the company was awarded the contract in Palm Beach (Florida) for the collection of solid urban waste with an order book va- lue of 215 million dollar. In the United Kingdom, FCC Envi- ronment has recently been awar- ded the Northamptonshire Waste Collection and Street cleansing contract, which represents an order book of 20 million euro. Also noteworthy is the agreement signed in March 2019 with the Da- nish fund Copenhagen Infrastruc- ture Partners (CIP) for the develo- pment of one of the largest energy recovery plants in Europe in Los- tock (England), with a capacity of 600,000 tonnes per year and an investment of about 560 million euro. The Millerhill recycling and energy recovery facility near Edin- burgh (Scotland), with a capacity of more than 150,000 tons per year, is in commissioning and will be fu- lly operational soon. In Spain, it is remarkable the award to the com- pany of the second phase of the En- vironmental Complex of Guipúzcoa CMG-2, which over 20 years will ca- rry out the treatment, recycling and energy recovery of 102,000 tons per year of various types of waste. The Environmental business area of the company has been provi- ding municipal services for more than 100 years and has based its success on a commitment to in- novation and helping cities to be smarter, more sustainable and more socially responsible. It cu- rrently serves nearly 60 million people in almost 5,000 munici- palities in thirteen countries, with a network of more than 200 re- covery and recycling plants that process 24.5 million tons of waste per year as a resource, including eleven waste-to-energy (WtE) projects with a capacity of more than 3.2 million tons and 360 MW of non-fossil electricity. The FCC Group is a world leader in services for cities C O M M U N I T I E S 47 C O M M U N I T I E S