We are FCC - Nº10

1. Waste recovery: • Select, adapt and characterise waste with a high Si/Al content for potential incorporation as raw material in an AAM binder. • Study the suitability of different types of waste as support ma- terials for the adsorption of hy- drocarbons and for the immobi- lization of microorganisms 2. Develop biodecontaminating techniques: • Isolate strains of microorga- nisms from real environments, determining the degrading ca- pacity of hydrocarbons and in- vestigate their immobilization in the materials conditioned to ge- nerate the biomaterial that will be incorporated into the modu- les of the bicycle lane. 3. Integrate the materials develo- ped with the rest of the technolo- gies researched in the project in the form of a final demonstrator. ives FCC Ámbito I N N O V A T I O N 45 I N N O V A T I O N